首页 > 32位 and 64位 > 暴点菜单_v2.1_32位 and 64位中文免费软件(5.61 MB)


暴点菜单_v2.1_32位 and 64位中文免费软件(5.61 MB)


  • 软件大小:5.61 MB
    系统位数:32位 and 64位
  • 当前版本:v2.1
  • 下载次数:184
  • 授权方式:免费软件


暴点菜单_v2.1_32位 and 64位中文免费软件(5.61 MB)
暴点菜单是北京暴风科技股份有限公司推出的一款Win8系统的辅助软件,Win8系统取消了传统的开始菜单,安装暴点菜单可恢复传统的开始菜单。暴点菜单满足了传统开始菜单的基本功能,并且对其进行优化,使用户使用起来更加便捷。暴点菜单可快速查找系统磁盘、Windows资源库、控制面板工具、常用附件工具、Windows系统防御功能、程序卸载功能、电脑中安装的所有程序及运行、重启、关机等功能,并支持进入Win8的Metro界面、本地应用搜索,还添加了网址导航,方便用户快速打开各类常用网址或添加自定义网址。 StormMenu is a aided software for Win8 system which produced by Beijing Polytron Technologies Inc.The Win8 system has cancelled the traditional start menu, installing StormMenu can restore the start menu. StormMenu realizes the basic functions of the traditional start menu, and carries on the optimization, allowing users to use more convenient. StormMenu can quickly find the system disk,Windows resources,the control panel tool,the commonly used accessories, Windows system defense function, program uninstall function, installed on your computer and run all programs, restart, shutdown function.In addition, StormMenu supports to enter the Metro interface and search the local application,adding site navigation, convenient for the user to quickly open all kinds of commonly used web site or to add a custom web site.